(Brassica oleracea, Acephala Group)
Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25 ft. of row; 1/4 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 2-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds thinly, 1/4" deep
12-24" apart in rows 24-36" apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Days to maturity are from sowing.

- 68 days.
- Outstanding yields - up to 25% more than OP types.
- Fast growth of large, slightly savoyed leaves with large leaf surface extending further down the petioles.
- Close internode spacing assure reliably heavy harvest.
- Leaves are tender, mild, tasty; hold blue-green color well even after cutting.
- Upright, uniform plants are sturdy & compact.
- Fresh Mkt, Processing.

- 75 days.
- Smooth, flat, broad, deep green, early Vates type.
- Upright 18" plants are slow to bolt.
- Fast re-growth and good uniformity.
- Fresh Mkt, Processing.

- 80 days.
- Well adapted to all areas; performs well under adverse conditions or poor soil.
- Plants reach about 3' in height.
- Upright, large, blue-green leaves on non-heading plants.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Processing, Gdn.

- Uniform, deep green, semi-savoyed tender leaves.
- Versatile and vigorous hybrid, tolerates both heat and cold.
- Excellent producer of medium size plants in both long, hot and short, cool season areas.
- Plants can be harvested at one time.
- Fresh Mkt, Processing.

- 65 days.
- Popular in traditional southern markets.
- Leaves grow straight up in young stages and are picked for early greens.
- After leaf harvest, plant can be left in field to form a head which can be harvested and used like cabbage.
70 days.
High quality hybrid produces attractive, uniform, blue-green leaves, slightly wavy, with close internode spacing.
Early bearing and quick regrow after harvest. Vigorous plants have high yield potential. Upright habit for clean harvest.
Improved successor to original TopBunch.
Fresh Market, bunching machine harvest/processing.

- 75 days.
- The standard, most well known variety.
- Compact plants with thick, broad leaves grow 1½ -2'.
- Fresh Mkt, Processing.