About 11,500 seeds/oz. Germs in about 8 days. Set plants 18-48" apart in rows 36-60" apart (if staked, 12-24" apart in rows 36-48" apart). Days to maturity are from transplant.
Large Round Determinates

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
10.55 | 68.45 | 107.55 | 134.15 | 130.95 | 127.75 | 124.55 | 122.15 |
- 75 days.
- Aggressive disease package including Tomato Spotted Wilt resistance.
- Vigorous plant with good leaf canopy has yielded large to extra large fruit under moderate to heavy pruning regimes and is a good subject for stake culture.
- Jointless 7-8 oz fruit are very firm, uniform red ripening, suitable for green or ripe harvest, and crack tolerant.
- Bred primarily for Southeastern U.S. shipping markets but could be tested for other areas and applications.
- Resistant FW1·2·3, N, St, TSWV, V.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.30 | 33.30 | 40.55 | 51.85 | 50.65 | 49.50 | 48.35 | 47.45 |
- MidEarly.
- Large fruited with superb disease package including TSWV and heat tolerance.
- Vigorous vines.
- Bright red fruit is uniformly large, round, firm fleshed and highly flavored with good balance of acid to sugars.
- Superb trial results in Southeastern U.S., especially Florida, and worth testing in any area with strong disease pressure.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, TSWV, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.75 | 6.80 | 10.75 | 12.85 | 12.50 | 12.15 | 11.80 | 11.60 |
- Mid-season.
- Round Beefsteak type, 5 oz fruit with great flavor.
- Determinate with short internodes and strong, thick upright stems for container sales or gdns with little or no staking.
- Deep green savoyed leaf, attractive and healthy looking.
- V1, FW1, N.
- Fresh Mkt, Home Garden, Plant Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
7.80 | 70.90 | 116.25 | 148.00 | 142.65 | 137.20 | 131.80 | 128.00 |
- 75 days.
- Good flavor & texture.
- Disease package well suited to southeastern US crops for fresh & local market.
- Resistant V, FW, N, TSWV.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
7.15 | 46.30 | 67.75 | 83.45 | 81.30 | 79.15 | 77.00 | 75.40 |
- 65-70 days from TP, 80-85 days from sowing.
- Widely accepted as a fresh-mkt workhorse in SE & mid-Atlantic states.
- Continuous set, with exceptional cropping of larger fruit high on plant - a good proportion ranging 10-14 oz.
- Uniformripening fruit with excellent eating quality.
- Deep globe shape, very smooth with small blossom scar.
- Vigorous plant sets fruit to top.
- High potential yield of firm, round grade A fruit.
- Rugged plants well adapted to open field production, with minimal to no pruning or pampering.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, St, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Local Shipping.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
3.85 | 26.05 | 40.00 | 48.95 | 47.70 | 46.40 | 45.15 | 44.25 |
- 75 days.
- 8-10 oz.
- Vigorous with large yield of clean, uniform ripening, round beef fruit.
- Golden tangerine color very attractive for specialty sales.
- Resistant V, FW1·2,
- Highly Tolerant Graywall.
- Tolerant cracking, Weather checking.
- Fresh Mkt.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
3.00 | 21.20 | 27.55 | 33.35 | 32.50 | 31.60 | 30.80 | 30.15 |
- 72 days.
- Mid-early variety for main crop; widely adapted, with wide-spectrum disease resistance.
- Large, red, deep oblate fruits are firm, flavorful, average 8 oz; show crack resistance.
- Medium size, strong plants.
- Grow on ground, caged or staked.
- Pruning not recommended.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, N, St, TMV, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Commercial, Gdn.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
5.55 | 36.00 | 56.75 | 75.45 | 73.70 | 72.00 | 70.30 | 69.00 |
- 72 days.
- Extra large 8-10 oz fruits are 2.75-3" x 3-3.5", with lots of good flavor, very firm flesh and smooth shoulders.
- Good red color inside and out.
- Strong disease package.
- Widely adapted, showing good yield potential and quality in trials across Eastern US, in both mature green and vine ripe harvest regimes.
- Mid tall plants need no pruning but respond well when pruned.
- Resistant ASC, FW1-3, V1.
- Tolerant St, TYLC.
- Fresh Local Specialty, Restaurant, Garden & Container Plant sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
9.60 | 62.45 | 77.65 | 90.85 | 88.50 | 86.20 | 83.85 | 82.00 |
- 85 days from sowing, 65 days from transplant.
- Quite early for such a large fruit type.
- 11-11.5 oz, deep oblate fruit range in size from 3" x 2.5" up to 3.5" x 3".
- Strong, broad 6-disease package includes F3, TSW and Nematode resistance and confers good potential for high yield of large fruit, even in hot-set conditions.
- Good red color inside and out.
- Can be used for green ripening or for vine ripe harvests due to earliness and large size.
- Vigorous medium-determinate vines form good leaf canopy for sunburn protection.
- Recommendation: DO NOT PRUNE.
- Dixie Red bodes well to become a workhorse tomato.
- Resistant TSWV, ASC, F1-3, St,VW1.
- Med Resistance N.
- Fresh Local, Shipping, Vine Ripe, Green Ripening.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
6.50 | 42.45 | 66.75 | 81.00 | 78.90 | 76.80 | 74.75 | 73.15 |
- 75 days.
- Proven commercial performance across the mid-Atlantic and southeast to Florida.
- Large, deep red, 10 oz fruits of exceptional firmness and quality.
- Uniform ripening fruit and jointed stem.
- Tall, vigorous plants with an excellent foliage and fruit cover.
- Pruning not recommended.
- Tolerant ASC, FW1·2, St, V1.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Stake Culture, Shipping.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
6.60 | 51.30 | 76.55 | 91.90 | 89.60 | 87.25 | 84.85 | 83.00 |
- 72 days.
- Smooth, round 10 oz fruit ripens in groups of uniform, deep red.
- Plant produces high yields of solid, old-fashioned tomato flavor fruit.
- Strong vines with good heat-set capability.
- Pruning not recommended.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, St, V1.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, UPick.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.45 | 29.15 | 45.90 | 66.15 | 63.80 | 61.35 | 58.95 | 57.20 |
- 79 days.
- Large, deep oblate fruits 3.5" across and weighing 8-12 oz.
- Excellent resistance to cracking, blossom end rot, puffiness and angularity.
- Resistant N.
- Tolerant FW1·2, V1·2.
- Commercial.

25sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) |
3.00 | 5.75 | 23.20 | 39.35 | 69.75 | 64.00 |
- 75 days.
- New addition to Randy Gardner's Mountain series featuring Late Blight resistance within its broad disease package.
- Nearly unique flavor quality, important for growers aiming at fresh markets.
- In trial locations, mid-size determinate plants to 3 ft tall retained clean green foliage and continued fruit set well after other comparisons were blighted out.
- Large flattened globe fruit reached 3.5"-4" diam in trial and retained a high pct free of blossom end rot even after long weeks under pressure from rainy weather.
- This variety contains the "crimson gene."
- Meaty, thick flesh is deep red in color with small locules.
- Exterior also deep red for strong eye appeal at mkt.
- High yields were observed in 2017 trial.
- A visiting grandson who helped with taste testing in the trial exclaimed "Now this one has zing!".

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
-- | 1.80 | 2.85 | 4.60 | 4.00 | 3.55 | 3.25 | 3.00 |
- 72 days.
- OP.
- Deep tangerineyellow fruits are 3-4" with mild low acid flavor.
- Superb in both appearance and holding quality.
- Fresh Mkt, Home Garden.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
6.55 | 49.00 | 60.00 | 78.00 | 75.95 | 74.50 | 73.15 | 72.15 |
- 75 days.
- Superb disease package.
- A unique combination of Late Blight, Early Blight, TSWV & VFNT, plus top commercial & table traits.
- Round Beefsteak fruit reach 10-14 oz.
- Deep red exterior and firm deep red fruit with delicious full-bodied flavor.
- Vigorous habit, with vines reaching 5' at full growth.
- High yield potential. A must-try variety.
- Resistant FW1·2·3, LB, N, TMV, TSWV, V; Tolerant EB.
- Fresh Mkt. Heartland.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.75 | 19.90 | 36.00 | 37.85 | 36.90 | 35.90 | 34.90 | 34.20 |
- 69 days.
- Jointed.
- Firm, uniform, bright red color inside and out.
- High market yields all over East.
- Low susceptibility to cracking, blossom end rot, puffiness, angularity.
- Average 10-12 oz.
- Tolerant FW1·2, V1.
- Fresh Mkt, U-Pick.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.50 | 10.40 | 16.35 | 22.70 | 22.20 | 21.70 | 21.20 | 20.80 |
- 78 days.
- Main Season.
- Round oblate fruit with refined blossom end and good red color, well proven in Eastern stake tomato production, where it has been found to produce a high percentage of large to extra large grade A fruit.
- Vigorous plant with good possibility of high yield.
- Abundant large flat leaves provide good sun cover which helps to avoid blemishes.
- Resistant ASC; FW1·2; V1.
- Medium Resistance St. Fresh Local Mkt, Roadside, Garden Plant Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) |
3.85 | 29.35 | 47.00 | 70.65 | 67.65 | 64.85 |
- 75 days.
- Great flavor and disease resistance.
- Superb for roadside or fresh market.
- Large 8-12 oz. fruit borne in concentrated set on 3.5' vines.
- Great flavor from high acid/sugar balance, combined with firm texture for long shelf life at local market stands or in shipping.
- Light green shoulder ripens to full even red.
- Main crop comes on in a 14 day window.
- Excellent disease package allows high yield potential, heat tolerance and extended harvest after main picking.
- Tested widely across US.
- Vines really load up and taste great.
- Pruning not recommended.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, N, St, V.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
5.60 | 38.15 | 62.50 | 103.50 | 99.70 | 95.95 | 92.15 | 89.50 |
- 70-75 days.
- Super disease package includes Septoria Leaf Spot and both Blights, enabling high yield potential and long lasting harvest from clean plants.
- Round 5-7 oz fruit load up on 30-36" vigorous plants.
- Excellent slicing quality. Best for trellis culture in open ground.
- Resistant FW2, LB, V.
- Tolerant EB, SLS.
- Fresh Mkt.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.65 | 39.00 | 46.00 | 57.00 | 53.40 | 52.00 | 50.55 | 49.55 |
- 70-75 days.
- Extra large fruited 11-oz beefsteak tomato with strong disease package seldom found in this type of tomato.
- Classic vine-ripe balance of sweet and acid, but flesh is firm and meaty.
- Oblate slightly flattened shape is classic beefsteak type, but skin is smooth and seldom tends to crack.
- Refined, neat sutures at stem end.
- Concentrated fruit set on vigorous 32-36" plants.
- Resistant FW1·2; St, TSWV, V.
- Fresh Local Mkt, Specialty Burger Restaurant, Short Distance Shipping, Garden Plant Mkt.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.55 | 5.45 | 9.15 | 15.85 | 14.30 | 11.15 | 10.00 | 9.00 |
- 70 days.
- Bright golden yellow, very sweet.
- Nice interior is firm enough to ship well and contains few seeds.
- 6-oz globe shaped fruit.
- Sets well across a wide range of growing areas.
- Fresh Mkt, Shipping.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
3.95 | 15.00 | 60.00 | 77.20 | 148.35 | 142.75 |
- 75 days.
- 8-10 oz, 3" x 3.25".
- A breakthrough in vine-ripe shelf quality.
- Brilliant deep red inside and out (crimson gene).
- High lycopene trait (50% above avg)
- Tremendous flavor and very firm texture.
- All of this with unique new shelf-life traits. Repeated shelf-life tests indicate strong potential for retention of top flavor and firm texture up to 2 weeks from vine-ripe harvest.
- Worth testing out for any roadside, fresh mkt or shipping situation where fresh local quality is demanded at table.
- Good dense foliar protection.
- Widely adapted from FL to ME.
- Sets well in heat up to 90°F days.
- Resistant to FW1·2·3, V1.
- Premium quality for Fresh Mkt & Shipping.
- Tasti-Lee® Orders over 5000 sd require breeder's marketing agreement.
- Please call for information.
- Note - Sales to supermarket chains require participation in a brand-name marketing program.
- Please ask if your plans include supermarket distribution.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.90 | 37.55 | 63.15 | 109.55 | 98.75 | 92.15 | 87.15 | 83.00 |
- 98% germination 11/18
- 200,000 seed available
- 75 days.
- Great yield potential of 7-8 oz fruits, deep-oblate to round on vigorous plants.
- Uniform color gene ripens all at once, without green shoulders.
- Also bred with a hot-set gene, it is able to set fruit in hot weather when other varieties drop their blossoms.
- Resistant TSWV, ASC, St, V1, FW12.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, UPick, Local Shipping.
Large Round Indeterminates

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.15 | 14.50 | 21.60 | 26.25 | 25.60 | 24.95 | 24.25 | 23.75 |
- 80 days.
- Big, smooth, meaty beefsteak-type fruits averaging 10 oz each.
- Deep red, solid, juicy flesh.
- Vigorous, high yielding plants.
- Ground or stake culture.
- Tolerant ASC, FW1, N, St, V.
- Fresh Mkt.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.15 | 14.70 | 22.20 | 26.85 | 26.20 | 25.50 | 24.80 | 24.25 |
- 75 days.
- Large, globeshaped fruits up to 1 lb. or more, with bright red flesh.
- Vigorous plants with good fruit protection.
- Highly productive.
- Grow on ground or stakes.
- Tolerant ASC, FW1, N, St, V.
- Fresh Mkt, U-Pick.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
3.00 | 20.55 | 31.30 | 34.35 | 33.50 | 32.60 | 31.70 | 31.15 |
- 73 days.
- Early red beefsteak-type with round smooth shoulders, fruits weighing 8-12 oz.
- Best grown on stakes. Rave reviews nationwide.
- Tolerant ASC, FW1·2, N, St, TMV, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Gdn.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.80 | 17.30 | 21.60 | 25.75 | 25.00 | 24.40 | 23.75 | 23.25 |
- 78 days.
- Popular variety asked for by name as plants or produce.
- Smooth, red, deep globe-shaped fruits have fine flavor, thick walls and bright red, meaty flesh.
- Many fruits weigh 1 lb or more.
- Large, extremely vigorous plants are heavy producers.
- Fresh Mkt, Gdn.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.65 | 18.00 | 22.00 | 27.45 | 26.70 | 26.00 | 25.30 | 24.80 |
- 75 days.
- Premium quality for fresh market. Produces large trusses of medium large round 5-7 oz fruit.
- Luxurious flavor, rich and balanced, sweet & juicy.
- Thin non-cracking skin.
- Vigorous vine grows 4-6' staked.
- Comprehensive traditional disease package, capable of large yields of deluxe fruit.
- Resistant FW0, St, V, ToMV0-2. Tolerant N.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Bedding Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) |
1.55 | 4.50 | 7.25 | 12.30 | 10.90 | 10.00 |
- 90 days.
- Green ripe type.
- 9-10 oz fruit.
- Exterior is beautiful deep green and crack resistant.
- Subtle golden stripes develop with maturity.
- Flesh stays green even when ripe, just right for fried green tomatoes.
- Firm meaty interior with outstanding flavor, sweet with tangy citrus tones.
- Vine grows 2' and up.
- Multiple disease package promotes a beautiful deep green plant and high yield potential.
- Tolerant ASC, TMV, F, V, Scab.
- Fresh Mkt, Specialty, Restaurant, Roadside.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) |
1.45 | 5.40 | 8.70 | 14.76 | 13.08 | 12.00 |
- 75 days.
- AAS Winner 2014.
- Bright neon-orange flesh and skin which retains color in cookery.
- Very fine fresh sweet flavor.
- Good acid balance.
- Meaty flesh has small locules and nice firm texture.
- Heirloom hybrid derived from Amana.
- High counts of 9-12 oz fruit observed in trials, up to 20 per plant, with some 16 oz fruit at peak season when kept picked.
- Fruit is flat round with heirloom boat shape.
- Large determinate habit to 5 ft spreaing 2 ft.
- Benefits from some trellising.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.55 | 5.45 | 9.15 | 15.85 | 14.30 | 13.30 | 12.60 | 12.00 |
- 90 days.
- Golden yellow beefsteak type fruit.
- AAS trials reported up to 30 meaty 10 oz, 5"x6" fruit per plant.
- Very tasty with good citrusy acid to sugar balance and smooth firm texture.
- Deep green foliage, 4-5 ft plant frame.
- Strong disease package promotes high potential yield of quality fruit.
- Harvest deep yellow while still firm.
- Resistant FW, TMV, V, Cracking, Scab.
- Fresh Mkt, Specialty, Restaurant, Roadside.
- Southeast.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.50 | 9.00 | 13.95 | 16.65 | 16.25 | 15.90 | 15.55 | 15.25 |
- 75 days.
- Long yielding with strong disease package and short internodes.
- Crop starts early with large 8-9 oz fruit.
- Large leaved vigorous plants protect fruit from sun scald entire season.
- Produces 5-7 fruits per cluster, with green-shouldered trait to mark vine-ripe readiness.
- Deep oblate, smooth, red fruit with great taste, firm meat and crack-resistance.
- High Resistance FW1, N, St, TMV, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Staking, All-summer Picking.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
5.50 | 52.00 | 85.00 | 125.80 | 121.20 | 116.60 | 112.00 | 108.80 |
- 85 days. Large (7-7.5 oz) globeshaped red fruit.
- 6-way disease protection, more than any other large-fruited tomato of our knowledge.
- Suitable for greenhouse or field culture.
- Vigorous vine develops strong leaf canopy for protection against sun scald and provides opportunities for large potential yields.
- Tolerant FW2, N, TMV, TSWV, TYLC, V.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
6.80 | 25.90 | 103.70 | 143.20 | 275.15 | 264.75 |
- 70 days.
- Pink tomato with superb flavor, firm flesh and broad disease package that confers very good potential for productive yields.
- Vigorous plant capable of extended harvest. Good sized 7-8 oz fruit are rosy raspberry pink inside and out.
- Rich flavored balance of sugar and acid won taste tests at trials hands down.
- Round smooth globe shape.
- Resistant FW1-2; LM, St, ToMV0-2; Med Resistance FR, N.
- Fresh Local Mkt, Restaurant, Garden Plant Sales.
Cluster Types

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.50 | 10.90 | 18.40 | 31.85 | 28.70 | 26.00 | 25.00 | 24.00 |
- 60 days.
- Indeterminate.
- Early, producing ripe fruit in about 60 days from transplant.
- Clusters like grapes on a vine.
- Holds on the vine with less cracking.
- Fresh Mkt, Gdn.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
8.85 | 68.85 | 113.00 | 140.60 | 135.45 | 130.35 | 125.20 | 121.60 |
- 85 days.
- Early maturity.
- Indeterminate.
- Large, classy cluster tomato producing 7 oz fruit, uniformly round and ripening bright red.
- Long shelf life.
- Can be marketed as cluster or single pick.
- Vigorous habit with premium disease package.
- Capable of high yields in both greenhouse & open field culture.
- Tolerant FW2, TMV, TSWV, TYLC, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Greenhouse, Shipping
Campari Type

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
5.00 | 19.00 | 76.35 | 92.40 | 177.50 | 170.80 |
- 72-75 days from transplant.
- Flavor, uniformity and disease resistance in a highsugar Campari-type.
- Produces round to deep round 2 oz fruit on somewhat compact plants.
- Fruits are flavorful, highly crack resistant and uniformly red inside and out, with a long shelf life.
- Flavor stands up in taste comparisons with heirloom varieties.
- Tolerant EB and LB, FW1·2, V1·2.
Plum/Roma/Saladette Types

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.70 | 20.65 | 34.65 | 60.20 | 54.25 | 50.60 | 47.90 | 45.60 |
- 80% & 98% germination 11/18
- 137,000 seed available
- High quality Roma type.
- Determinate.
- Large, elongated, cylindrical fruit, very uniform size and shape.
- Jointless and uniform green ripening.
- Sets fruit up the plant, well protected by heavy leaf canopy.
- Widely adaptable across eastern U.S. and Mexico.
- Resistant ASC, FW1·2, FR, N, St, ToMV0-2.
- High Resistant V1.
- Intermediate Resistant BSp.
- Fresh Mkt, Shipping.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.70 | 20.70 | 34.80 | 52.90 | 51.00 | 49.05 | 47.15 | 45.75 |
- 80 days.
- Large Roma type; 4-5 oz fruit that fills your palm.
- Wonderful flavor, vigorous determinate habit and superb broad disease package, capable of high yields in many areas.
- A much needed addition to the large-Roma category.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
8.85 | 68.85 | 113.00 | 140.60 | 135.45 | 130.35 | 125.20 | 121.60 |
- 80-85 days.
- Roma type. 6 oz fruit.
- Suitable for greenhouse and field production.
- Dark red fruit with dense flesh.
- Strong foliar development provides excellent protection from sunburn.
- Strong, compact, indeterminate vine with superb disease rating capable of high yields.
- Tolerant FW3, TMV, TSWV, TYLC, V.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
6.30 | 44.30 | 74.80 | 123.90 | 122.85 | 120.00 | 117.20 | 115.00 |
- 80-85 days.
- Large to extra-large Roma type.
- Widely adapted for production of high quality fruit.
- Uniform oval, firm, great tasting 5 oz fruits mature bright red.
- Productive, vigorous plants have tested well in trials under both hot and cool season conditions with prolonged harvesting cycle and both indoor and field culture.
- Resistant ASC, FW, V.
- Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Greenhouse, Garden Ctr Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
6.25 | 47.25 | 66.00 | 78.00 | 75.95 | 74.50 | 73.15 | 72.15 |
- 80 days.
- Determinate Roma type with superb disease package & high potential yield of large fruit 3-3.5" x 2-2.25" and 9-10 oz.
- Strong determinate providing dense foliage cover for fruit.
- Deep red interior and very small blossom scar.
- Resistant V, FW1·2, TSWV, LB. Tolerant EB. High Resistant Graywall, Cracking.
- Fresh Mkt, Vineripe or Shipping at Mature Green Harvest.
Cherry Types

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
5.15 | 19.50 | 78.00 | 97.70 | 187.65 | 180.60 |
- 65 days.
- Indeterminate.
- Orange cocktail tomato with premium great flavor, firm texture and crack resistance.
- Smooth round fruit avg 1.5-1.75 oz, about 1.75".
- Medium vigor vines with multiple disease package and high yield potential.
- Resistant LM A-E, FW 1-2, V.
- Tolerant N, St.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) |
1.85 | 14.00 | 22.55 | 33.20 | 30.00 | 29.00 |
- 55 days.
- Currant type.
- Very small 1/2" fruit is dark red, very sweet and rich flavored.
- Prolonged harvest. 2-3' vine with tidy habit, bearing numerous fruit near perimeter of plant for easy picking.
- Fresh Mkt, Specialty, Restaurant, Garden Ctr Sales.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
3.45 | 13.00 | 52.55 | 68.15 | 130.85 | 125.90 |
- 70 days.
- Distinctly heart shaped.
- This small cocktail tomato is bright red inside and out, quite decorative, like a valentine in cross section, with persistent deep green sepals.
- Thin skin, pleasant for snacking.
- Flesh is juicy with excellent sweet-sour balance.
- Capable of yielding high fruit counts both in greenhouse and outdoor culture. Open habit.
- Plants about 12" spreading to 20" load up with clusters of 1/2 oz fruit, avg about 3/4".
- Well adapted to container culture and patio garden sales.
- Resistant LB, V, FW1, N.
- Fresh Mkt, Restaurants, Salad Packs, Garden Ctr Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) |
1.55 | 6.75 | 10.90 | 18.45 | 16.35 | 15.00 |
- 60 days.
- Large determinate semivining yellow cherry.
- Extra sweet, 1" round, golden yellow fruit set in multiple branching clusters.
- Large 4-6 ft determinate vines.
- Fruit counts of dozens at a time were noted in trials.
- Best replacement for Sun Sugar.
- Fresh Mkt, Regional Shipping, Cello, Salad Bar, Restaurant.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
5.65 | 21.40 | 86.30 | 104.80 | 201.35 | 193.75 |
- 60 days.
- Rich sweet flavor & good firm flesh.
- Holds well on vine and tends to retain fruit quality well post-harvest.
- Extended crop season and durability thru weather problems.
- Potential for high yield is supported by nice disease package, including both Early and Late Blight tolerances.
- AAS trials showed wide adaptability.
- Indeterminate vines grow over 2', excellent for staking; produces hundreds of 1∕3 oz fruits averaging 3/4".
- Tolerant EB, FW1·2, LB.
- Fresh Mkt, Restaurant Special, Salad Packs.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
5.90 | 46.30 | 76.00 | 96.20 | 92.70 | 89.20 | 85.65 | 83.20 |
- AAS Winner 2010.
- 63 days.
- Low growing bushy semi-determinate to 18".
- Very sweet 1" baby cherries, avg just under 1/2 oz.
- Tested at 7.0% Brix.
- Abundant fruit set over long season.
- Tolerant LB.
- Fresh Mkt, Low Staking, Home Gdn, Basket, Bedding.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.00 | 30.75 | 51.70 | 89.75 | 80.90 | 75.50 | 71.40 | 68.00 |
- 68 days.
- Indeterminate indigo tomato ripens from red to glossy black-purple at maturity when grown in strong light.
- Color is due to high levels of anthocyanin pigment, a healthy antioxidant.
- 5-6 ft vines produce large trusses.
- Fruits avg 1/2 oz and 1.5" diam.
- Up to 100+ fruit per plant were counted in nationwide trials.
- Ripens all season long with sweetly balanced, juicy flavor.
- Fresh Mkt, Restaurant, Gourmet Salad.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.55 | 4.55 | 7.60 | 13.20 | 11.90 | 11.15 | 10.50 | 10.00 |
- 45 days.
- Compact determinate plant bears masses of bright yellow 1/2 oz, 1" diam fruit in trusses that cover the deep green leaf canopy.
- Sweet and mildly acid.
- Judges reported 100+ fruits per plant in national trials.
- V, F, TMV.
- Gdn Plant Sales, Container.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.65 | 17.15 | 26.95 | 36.20 | 35.35 | 34.60 | 33.80 | 33.15 |
- 55 days.
- Compact branching plant for container sales. 8".
- Profuse tight clusters of glossy bright red 1" roundoval fruit with nice sweet-acid flavor.
- Dense foliage covers well to protect fruit.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.80 | 13.70 | 19.95 | 23.95 | 23.30 | 22.70 | 22.00 | 21.65 |
- 65 days.
- Indeterminate.
- Improved Sweet 100 with disease tolerance.
- Small, round, red fruits have very sweet flavor, high Vitamin C content; borne in long, hanging clusters of up to 100 fruits each, productive.
- Tolerant FW, V.
- Fresh Mkt.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
5.50 | 20.90 | 83.55 | 108.90 | 209.25 | 201.30 |
- 66 days.
- Uniquely delicious pink cherry tomato.
- Very sweet and richly flavored with excellent firm texture.
- Capable of prolific extended yield due to resistance to a broad range of 5 diseases.
- Round 1-oz cherry fruit are deep pink inside.
- Smooth exterior.
- Resistant LM; FW1·2; LM; ToMV0·1.
- Med Resistance St, Fusarium Crown & Root Rot.
- Fresh Local Mkt, Regional Shipping, Garden Plant Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
2.50 | 19.55 | 32.85 | 57.15 | 51.50 | 48.00 | 45.50 | 43.25 |
- 55 days.
- Small determinate 1" round canary yellow cherry.
- Ornamental edible for containers and baskets.
- Very compact, vigorously branching plants.
- Early, abundant yields of sweet tasty fruit.
- Gdn Plant Sales.
Grape Types

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) |
4.00 | 30.50 | 48.50 | 81.00 | 72.00 |
- 65 days.
- Small 3/4" rounded ovals weighing 1∕3 to 1/2 oz.
- Profuse clusters on indeterminate vine.
- Sweet as grapes.
- Trials report 20 to 60 bright red fruit per cluster.
- Tolerant FW1·2, TMV, V.

10sd | 50sd | 250sd | 500s | 1000sd | 5M (per M) |
5.50 | 20.90 | 83.75 | 105.60 | 202.90 | 195.20 |
- 73 days.
- Large indeterminate, productive vine bears large hands of firm extra sweet ¼ oz fruit.
- Brilliant red, uniform grape shape and size.
- High yield potential with continuous set of full clusters to top of plant.
- High Brix & above-average shelf life.
- Resistant LM, ToMV0-2, Cracking.
- Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
5.90 | 46.30 | 76.00 | 96.20 | 92.70 | 89.20 | 85.65 | 83.20 |
- 60 days South, 75 days North.
- Patio tomato with miniature plum fruit.
- Produces large numbers of small blocky oval fruit weighing from 0.5 to 0.6 oz, about 1.25" x 1".
- Quite sweet at 9-10% Brix, but firm and showing excellent shelf life in the AAS trials.
- Stem length is about 30" staked.
- Plants trail to about 20" in basket and stand about 10" unsupported.
- Some of the AAS trial sites recorded picking sweet ripe fruit as late as Dec. in areas with late frost dates.
- Tolerant LB.
- Fresh Local Specialty, Restaurant, Garden and Container Plant Sales.

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.55 | 7.00 | 11.85 | 20.60 | 18.55 | 17.30 | 16.30 | 15.60 |
- 60 days. 1/2-3/4 oz.
- Classic roundoval grape shape, just the right size for one-bite eating.
- Exceptional high-brix flavor.
- Loads of small fruit in big clusters.
Heirloom Trait Hybrid

25sd | 250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
4.65 | 36.55 | 60.00 | 74.00 | 71.30 | 68.60 | 65.90 | 64.00 |
- 70-80 days.
- Indeterminate.
- Strong growing Heirloom-trait hybrid gives the best of tradition productivity.
- Large 10-14 oz fruit are intensely flavored, knarly, lobed, contorted and deep crimson.
- Highly flavored and high in lycopene.
- Can be cropped like regular hybrids for fresh market produce.
- Tolerant V, FW1, N1, St. Fresh Mkt, Home Gdn.
OP Heirlooms

250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.65 | 2.60 | 4.25 | 3.65 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.80 |
- 78 days.
- Large, deep globe shape 1 lb fruits.
- Deep skin color.
- Soft with excellent flavor and smooth red flesh.
- Indeterminate.
- Fruit with green shoulders, fairly large stem scar.
- A very popular 1800's heirloom best known for high flavor.

250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.65 | 2.60 | 4.25 | 3.65 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.80 |
- 80-100 days. Heirloom.
- Indeterminate fuzzy potato leaf vines.
- Large fruit up to 2 lb, fine flavor for a yellow, creamy texture, exceptional quality heirloom.
- 80-100 days. Heirloom.
- Indeterminate fuzzy potato leaf vines.
- Large fruit up to 2 lb, fine flavor for a yellow, creamy texture, exceptional quality heirloom.

250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.65 | 2.60 | 4.25 | 3.65 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.80 |
- 76-80 days.
- Big, rough fruit, averages a meaty 9-24 oz.
- Skin deep pink with yellow shoulders, mild low acid flavor with few seeds.
- Fresh Mkt, Home Gdn, Bedding.

250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.65 | 2.60 | 4.25 | 3.65 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.80 |
- 83-90 days.
- Old-time indeterminate variety with large smooth 1 lb fruit and deep pink skin.
- Meaty interior, very tasty with few seeds.
- Several growers have asked for this in recent years, so we've brought it back to our catalog.
- Fresh Mkt.

250sd | 500sd | 1000s | 5M (per M) | 25M (per M) | 50M (per M) | 100M (per M) |
1.65 | 2.60 | 4.25 | 3.65 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.80 |
- 80 days.
- Bicolor red and yellow skin and flesh.
- Big, meaty 9 oz fruit, sometimes reach 2 lb, with mild, low acid flavor.
- Bedding, Farm Mkt, Gdn

1/256oz | 1/4oz | 1/2oz | 1oz | 1/4lb | 1/2lb | 1lb |
1.60 | 7.80 | 12.80 | 22.00 | 79.00 | 145.00 | 270.00 |
- 100 days.
- Indeterminate.
- Used in a variety of Mexican and American dishes and salsas.
- To enjoy the tart flavor harvest while still green (before they turn yellow).
- Globe-shaped 2-3 oz fruit is enclosed in a thin husk which should be removed before the fruit is used or consumed.
- Large fruited variety; widely adapted.
- Approx 15,000 sds/oz.
- Similar culture to tomatoes.